Friday, June 14, 2013


Still waiting for Travel Approval.  Day 23.  Normally it takes about two weeks.  Word is that the new computer system is finally up and running and they are BEGINNING to process travel approvals.  A couple have showed up at other agencies, but we still wait.

As we endure THE WAIT THAT KNOWS NO END, life has become very interesting.  I check my email a million times an hour hoping to see "TA" in the subject line.  My stomach gets in knots every time I log-on to Facebook as I frantically search through my groups to see if anyone's received news.  EVERY time the phone rings, I RUN to it hoping that my agency's on the other end with good news.  I'm trying to get things done, but I sort of feel like I'm "killing time" and I'm seriously thinking about just sleeping in the car just in case we get the call that we can go.  Joe just kinda looks at me and shakes his head.  Blah.

 I'm not a super fun person to be around right now.  I'm trying so very hard to trust His timing and be patient.  I KNOW that we're close..... even if we have to wait another month or so, that's CLOSE, but I just want to hold my girl.  I want to see that smile in person and rub her fuzzy head and tell her that I love her and watch her interact with the boys and see Joe holding her and take pictures of ALL my people and put her in clothes that smell like Dreft.  I'm ready to be up all night when she can't sleep and to sing to her when she's upset.  I'm ready to figure out what she likes to eat and begin the process of helping her understand what it feels like to be part of a family.  I want her to know what a Mama is and does.

I'm ready and I'm tired of waiting.  Waiting stinks.

Mary, when you read this someday, I want you to know that as you spend your last few weeks in an orphanage in Shanghai, China,  I am DESPERATE to hold you.  I love you so much and am SO thankful that I get to be your Mama.  I pray for you CONSTANTLY and CANNOT WAIT to bring you home.

And Mary, as you grow up and have to wait on things.... do it better than your Mom.  Cause she stinks at it.

Aren't you so glad you stopped by the blog today?  Such a happy place....... Bleck.

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