Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Gotcha Day

I've learned from being a Mama for a lot of years that no two children are alike.  No need trying to compare or refer to a previous experience or try to even do things the same way cause the next kid is going to do it a completely different way.  This totally applies to Gotcha Days!  Lottie's day was nothing like Mary's.  And that's totally okay!  Both times, we have entered into this moment with the motto "expect the worst, hope for the best"...... no expectations AT ALL.... cause then, whatever comes, we aren't disappointed.

We were up pretty early cause who in the world would be able to sleep knowing that you're gonna have a little baby in your arms in a few hours?  We made sure all our gifts and bags were ready, ate some breakfast, and then just hung out with our Mary for a little bit. 
Mary kept saying, "Mom!  You're about to have FOUR kids!"  Yep.  Don't I know it.

 Crib won't be empty much longer!

Mary decided on her hair-do for the day..... and she picked out her clothes (Is it Friday yet? tshirt).... Mom quickly vetoed that and we settled on this.....

Mary chose the funny faces and Mom had to copy.  We'd forgotten something in the room after heading to breakfast and had to run back up.  Meanwhile, Dad was down at breakfast doing some Instagram Live, I believe.  He nuts.  I told him if he kept talking about that breakfast I was going to ban him from all social media. 

 FINALLY, it was 9:45 and time to meet Celine in the lobby.  The adoption center for Zhengzhou province was only about 10 minutes away.
On our way!  Feeling ALL the emotions.

Pulling into the adoption center.

Clearly, this is supposed to read "Henan Centre for Childrens Welfare and ADOPTION"...... but I think this is WAY better....."ADOPT ON".... indeed!  If your heart is stirring for the orphan AT ALL and you think even a little bit that the Lord is calling you, then I say ADOPT ON!

Inside of the Adoption Center.  Folks at Northport Baptist, they have a huge tree right in the middle just like we do in our children's area!  When we got there, Lottie wasn't there yet.  There were several families from different agencies who'd already met their children and were in those first moments of bonding/survival/stress/love/fear, etc.  It's precious and awful to watch all at the same time.  Some of the kids were running around from toy to toy.... some were crying out of complete fear.... and some were just totally shut down - just standing and staring.  It made my nervous level jump exponentially, so I just tried to stay focused on Mary and the front door.
This was WAY different from Mary's Gotcha Day.... we were in a small conference room that day and there were no other families.  Today could have been described as utter chaos.

They have a lovely set up here at the Adoption Center of Henan province.  Great play area for kids, area for paperwork, nice big couches.  Very good.

Mary kept very busy playing.  This was a wonderful distraction.
Cause after we'd waited about 45 minutes and watched SEVERAL families being made, we learned that Lottie and the folks from the foster care center had gone to the WRONG BUILDING!  It would be about 30 minutes more before they got here.

This is what we looked like when they told us that.  Anxiousness level up even more.

Then, about 11:05, Celine, our guide, said she thought they'd arrived.  And just like that, here she came.... with her favorite nanny.  I didn't get to hug this woman's neck because things happened so quickly, but she was crying as she passed my girl on to me.  Lottie was NOT happy.  The nanny was NOT happy.  I was elated.
Hi, Mama!  Hi, Mary!  Hi, Lottie! (Baba taking pictures!)
There was much Chinese chatter about how the whole scene should go down.  Very much like Mary's day..... I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
They decided to try to put her on some big yellow rocking horse.... that made it worse.... so big sister, Mary stepped in to try to calm things down.  She has proven herself time and time again to be the best big sister ever.  The Lord definitely has prepared her for this day.

And here's where it all went south.  QUICK. 
No pictures of all of that. 
There was crying and sweating.  There was wailing and flailing. 
And there were a MILLION Chinese faces RIGHT UP ON our faces trying to say things to her and to me to make the situation better.  I know they were trying, but Lottie and I just needed a little space.  I told Joe later that I hope I wasn't rude, but I had to have a moment.... so Lottie, Mary and I (with Joe following with camera, God love him) just kinda pushed our way out of that SCENE and went over to a corner (where Praise the Lord, there was an air conditioner).... we just rocked and talked quietly, and wiped tears.  Mary made faces and played peekaboo.  Things settled down a bit and we got ourselves together.... chaos is NO GOOD in my book.
Then SOMEBODY... I don't even know who..... slipped one of these top little things into Lottie's hand.  It's a Swiss Roll Little Debbie kinda thing - banana flavor..... we unwrapped it and EVERYTHING STOPPED.  No more crying.  No more flailing.  She tore into that thing and life as the Powell 6 began!

We sat down and had some little talks.  Things like telling her about the brothers and is it okay for me to be her Mama and everything is going to be okay. 
She said yes to the Mama stuff and said that as long as we keep the PUFFS coming, then yes, everything would be okay!
It looks like she's sharing with her big sister here, but EVERY TIME, she'd pull it back and put it in her own mouth! 

Meanwhile, the paperwork whisperer is up to his eyeballs in papers and Chinese translations.
Mary was always right next to us.  She's amazing.

She did everything we'd talked about.... don't get in her face, don't be too silly, play gently..... Lottie responded GREAT to her!

Then Lottie had to do some paperwork!  Red handprint here, please!

Then it was Mama's turn.... red thumbprint on top of your signature on every page!

Between thumbprints, Mama got some loving in!

And she took it in..... no pullbacks or tears.  Bonding and attachment.... so far, so good.

Sign here please!

This is the husband of the foster care center director.  Lottie has lived in this foster care center since she was about 3 months old and they've given her excellent care.  We were told that because her skin condition requires such constant care, all ELEVEN nannies have been close to her and helped with her daily baths and such.  SO, we prepared a gift for all eleven nannies.  This sweet man was so thrilled with the presents.  We will see him again on Thursday because they have agreed to let us come and visit the foster care center!  (And although he is very kind, Mama secretly loved it when he tried to take Lottie from me several times to hold her and she swatted his hand away and shook her head profusely.  Nope.  I'll stay with this lady, thank you.)

We got back to the hotel and began the first of what will be MILLIONS of sister play sessions.  Mary's already teaching Lottie her colors.

It all really is exhausting!  Thankfully, there are smart people in charge of this stuff and they give you the rest of the day to be by yourselves as a family.  No outings.  No appointments.  THIS is what we were doing a couple of hours after GOTCHA.

She really did beautifully.  The only time she cries is when Mama puts her down!  So, Mama is holding her close, squeezing her lots, rocking, singing, and praising the Lord for his faithfulness.  We Gotcha, Lottie Gene Powell!  Welcome home, sweet thing.


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience! What a sweet & precious treasure God has blessed you all with. Love to you all. Deborah (Ann's friend & fellow Northport Baptist member)

  2. The beauty of SEEING God’s mercy poured out through you all- cannot adequately be described!! You are my heroes!! Press on-!!
