I decided when we were in process with Mary, that I needed to at least FEEL like I have a bit of control, or at least some organization, to the process.
Enter, sticky notes and checklists.
I feel that if I rewrite everything that Lifeline has so neatly typed onto a sticky note and put little blanks out in front so I can check them off, that I have a bit of control over this very overwhelming set of steps.
Here's the quick version of how an international adoption works:
1. You apply with your agency. You're accepted.
2. Home Study
3. I800A to USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)
4. DTC (Dossier to China)
5. LID (Log-in Date)
6. MATCH ( repeat: MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (This is where it gets GOOD.)
7. LOI (Letter of Intent)
8. PA (Pre-Approval)
9. LOA (Letter of Acceptance)
10. I800 to USCIS
11. Visa info to NVC (National Visa Center)
12. NVS cabled to US Embassy in GZ
13. Article 5 dropoff at CCCWA ( China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption)
14. Article 5 pickup from CCCWA
15. TA (Travel Approval)
16. CA (Consulate Appointment)
17. Travel to China
Um. We are on #3.
No, I take that back. YAY!!!!! WE ARE ON #3!!!!! Woooooo hoooooo!
(It's all about the attitude during these long steps!!!!)
So, if you haven't had HOURS to spend researching and analyzing what all that mess means, I'm here to help. You all are the village for my people.... ALL my people.... cause I KNOW you're praying for us, RIGHT??? So, I want you to understand where we are so you can specifically pray for that point in the process.
Here's what's happened so far.
1. We applied with our agency, Lifeline Children's Services in Birmingham, in early March. We think those people are rockstars and angels on earth..... SO thankful for them.
2. We started our Home Study on March 22.
The Home Study involves: birth certificates, marriage certificate, a home tour with social worker, individual interview both in the home and at the agency, interviews with your spouse, interviews with other children in the home, medical exams and letters, certificates of income and property, letters of profession, pictures of the inside and outside of your home, certificate of vaccination for pets, research on insurance offerings for special needs child, research on available local resources for special needs child, tax returns, pay stubs, autobiographies written by each spouse, six reference letters, fingerprint clearances, child-abuse neglect clearances, questionnaires about your marriage, tests about your spouse, counseling on international adoption, certificate for proof of Hague training, local agency training, research on China from US government website, proof of insurance, guardian forms, various checklists, and a couple of notarized things here and there.
Yes. All of that. And prolly more.
During the Home Study, there are lots and lots of lists made by yours truly.... and lots and lots of texts telling Joe what his lists have on them..... We count it as a BONDING time in our marriage. (Again, it's all in how you LOOK at something, yes?)
During the Home Study you get to know your agency and social worker.... and you learn a lot about yourself. I, both times now, have learned that I love a list and, early in the process, tend to think more about the PROCESS than I do the CHILD BEHIND THE PROCESS. The Lord has had to remind me AGAIN (just like He did with Mary's adoption) that it's NOT about the paperwork.... it's about the CHILD.
So, and you might find this to be a bit ridiculous.... during the HS process, I bought a purple hippo. With Mary it was a little pink puppy. But for Lottie, it's a darling purple hippo that Mary and I picked out together. Whenever I'm working on paperwork or get caught up in the process, I pull out the hippo. This little thing reminds me of Lottie, so that when my mind thinks it's all about the next thing on my checklist, I'm reminded that, no, it's about Lottie. Since I don't have a face to go with her name just yet, this helps me. And we sleep with it, too..... cause when we DO have a face and know where Lottie is.... we'll send her a little care package.....and that purple hippo will go to China. It'll smell like us... so hopefully, she'll know that smell when we finally meet her. Is that weird? I dunno. It helps me.
K. So that's the Home Study. Takes 2-3 months.
Happy Home Study Mail!!!
3. When your Home Study goes under review at the agency, it's time to start collecting what you need for immigration.
This is the I800A. THIS IS THE STEP WE ARE ON!
Our stuff was overnighted to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) on June 27. We are waiting on word from them that they received it, then they will send us dates to come have biometric fingerprints done in Birmingham. THEN, we wait on them AGAIN, to approve our I800A (Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country)... Yes. That's the title of that form. I know.
Once we receive the nod from USCIS, our stuff will head to the China! (DTC.....Step 4)
But let's not get ahead of ourselves..... cause we on step 3.
For the I800A, we had to fill out some paperwork on all the adults in our household (that would be THREE of us now..... Jack turned 18, so he's had to complete all the adult parts of the process.... didn't have to do that last time.... poor thing had to have the full medical, interview with social worker, and now I800A paperwork..... that's what he gets for growing up!) Paperwork with the I800A was copies of birth and marriage certificates and the completed Home Study! Plus a check for a whole bunch of money made out to US Dept. of Homeland Security! Ha!
Today's status: we wait for our letter that they received our stuff.
But while we wait, the Lord continues to work in our journey to Lottie. He continues to show us what a blessing adoption is and how faithful He is to provide.
This past week, we had a Loving on Lottie Bake Sale to raise some funds for our process and we had SUCH a GREAT RESPONSE. International Adoption is not free and many families, though willing to open their arms to a child, struggle with the financial requirements. I've had SO many families share with me that they'd love to adopt, if they could just find the money. We felt the same way. Enter the Loving on Lottie Bake Sale.
Thanks to our Nana (Joe's Mom) and her helpers at Snap Decisions Catering, we took orders for two weeks for pecan pies, tomato pies, and large and small pound cakes. As Joe and I talked about the possibility of doing this months ago, we, of course, had an amount in mind that "if we could just make this much" it would be such a help. Well, God prolly just shook his head laughing at that. Cause we brought in FOUR TIMES MORE THAN THAT. Y'all. God provided FOUR TIMES MORE than we imagined.
That. Is. A. Lot.
And we are so thankful.
We are thankful for a Nana who knows how to cook good food and was willing to bake for four days to make this happen. We are thankful for friends and family, far and near, who placed orders. We are thankful for folks who helped us deliver the goods. We are thankful for kind friends who picked up their goods in the POURING RAIN. We are thankful for patient children who have eaten sandwiches and leftovers and entertained themselves/babysat their sister while we ran all around Tuscaloosa County delivering orders. We are thankful to people who sent donations. And we are thankful to a loving God who already knows who Lottie is and used a whole lotta pecans and flour to bring us closer to bringing her home.
Joe designed the stickers! Way to go, Dad!!
It smelled so very heavenly in that kitchen!
That's Nana in the green. Woman can COOK.
And thanks to Debbie (in the pink) and others who made this happen!
Deliveries, deliveries, and more deliveries!
Boxes full of LOVE.
You can't see them, but there are BIG RAIN DROPS gushing down at this pickup day!
Of course, there were lists upon lists for the bake sale!
What is a word that means WAY MORE THAN THANKFUL? Cause that's what we are. That word.
And so.... the million dollar question..... WHEN WILL YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS?
Well, not for a while yet.
But I'm trying SO HARD to not be anxious or frustrated or try too hard to control the journey. God knows who she is. He knows where she is. And His timing is PERFECT. We learned that one last time.
So, I'll sit here with a purple hippo in my lap and pray for this little girl that I already love.
Would you join me in praying for her?
1. Pray for her to be healthy and strong.
2. Pray for her safety.
3. Pray for those who care for her. Pray that they'll be full of compassion and love.
4. Pray that someone holds her and hugs her EVERY DAY until I can get to her.
5. Pray for her China Mama's heart and salvation.
We love you and thank you, dear village to our people.
Our cup overfloweth.....